Rent and Price Resiliency for Real Estate Investors

How much can rents go down in Savannah before you have negative cash flow? How much can property values (price) go down in Savannah before you have negative equity? In other words, how resilient are you to drops in rent or price?

How prepared are you for a drop in rent in Savannah, Georgia? How prepared are you for a drop in property values (price) in Savannah, Georgia? Rent Resiliency™ measures how much rent can drop before you have negative cash flow. Price Resiliency™ measures how much property values (price) can drop before you're upside down, underwater or have negative equity. Learn how to measure and evaluate your individual properties, entire portfolio or entire real estate investing strategy in terms of these measures of risk in this class recording.

Topics discussed include:

  • What is resiliency?
  • What is Price Resiliency™? What is Rent Resiliency™?
  • The two flavors of resiliency: dollars and percent.
  • Measuring resiliency on the individual property basis or the entire portfolio
  • Measuring resiliency as a snapshot in time or over time
  • Examples using over-simplified math:
    • What happens when rents go up 10%, down 10% in two different portfolios?
    • What happens when prices go up 10%, down 10% in two different portfolios?
  • Resiliency is largely about leverage
  • Thought experiment: what is more risky... 0% or 10% down payment?
  • The 7 Ways to Measure Risk in Real Estate Investments
  • How much riskier is it... a discussion of offsetting risk measures
  • Examples of interpreting Price Resiliency™ (charts)
  • Examples of interpreting Rent Resiliency™ (more charts)
  • Comparing putting 5%, 20%, 25% or 100% down - how risky are they compared to each other?
  • Evaluating risk: why 20% resiliency is not twice as good as 10% resiliency
  • Diversification and the role of resilience based on various levels of diversification
  • The counterintuitive nature of risk and reward in real estate investing
  • A brief overview of rent and price resiliency from various Scenarios we discussed in previous classes on:
  • An introduction to True Price Resiliency™ and True Rent Resiliency™ and how they differ from their non-"True" counterparts.
  • How Cash Flow from Depreciation™ acts when discussing Rent Resiliency™
  • An introduction to Vacancy Resilience™, Property Insurance Resilience™, Property Taxes Resilience™, Maintenance Resilience™, Maintenance Resilience™ and Capital Expenses Resilience™
  • The Price Resilience™ and Rent Resilience™ of James' personal real estate portfolio.
  • Plus much more

This class was recorded to help real estate investors better understand how risky the real estate investing strategy they are considering is and how to compare strategies they're considering using 2 (of 7) ways to measure risk: Price Resiliency™ and Rent Resiliency™.

Watch the video version of this class:

Additional Resources

The following are additional resources mentioned in the class recording:
Free Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet: Download a copy of the newest version of The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ by going to:

Improve Cash Flow: Book a consultation to improve cash flow using our proprietary 88 cash flow improving strategies.

Real Estate Agent & Lender Collaborators: Interested in collaborating with us on the Savannah real estate investor podcast? Book a free consultation to discuss.
Rent and Price Resiliency for Real Estate Investors
Broadcast by